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Introduction to the Infinite Drum Machine Online
The Infinite Drum Machine is an online project created by Google Creative Lab and collaborators, including artists, engineers, and designers. It’s an experimental music tool that lets users create beats using a vast library of over 16,000 drum sounds. The sounds were sourced from various real-world objects and environments, such as water splashes, glass clinks, or even animal noises.
The key features of the project include:
- Machine Learning Clustering: Sounds are organized visually on a two-dimensional map using a machine learning algorithm called t-SNE (t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding). The algorithm groups similar sounds together based on their audio characteristics, enabling intuitive exploration.
- Interactive Interface: Users can drag and drop sounds onto a sequencer to create rhythms and beats. It’s an engaging way to experiment with a wide variety of unique percussive sounds.
- Accessible for Non-Musicians: Its design makes it approachable for both professional musicians and casual users looking to explore and play.
Sounds are complex and vary widely. This experiment uses machine learning to organize thousands of everyday sounds. The computer wasn’t given any descriptions or tags – only the audio. Using a technique called t-SNE, the computer placed similar sounds closer together. You can use the map to explore neighborhoods of similar sounds and even make beats using the drum sequencer.
Part of Google’s AI-Creativity Initiative
The Infinite Drum Machine is part of Google’s larger push to explore the intersection of AI, creativity, and user experience. It demonstrates how machine learning can be used for creative applications in music and sound design.
Built by Kyle McDonald, Manny Tan, Yotam Mann, and friends at Google Creative Lab. Thanks to the London Philharmonia for contributing some sounds to this project. t-SNE animation featured in video by Gene Kogan.
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